Quotation Explorer - 'Attention'

All of us could take a lesson from the weather, it pays no attention to criticism.
My two most unproductive days of the week have always been yesterday and tomorrow. Keeping that in mind, I try to focus majority of my attention on today. - Mark W. Boyer
Oh,' said a very white body as it threw a wrist watch to the ground which broke without attracting anyone's attention, 'Oh, how can anyone not love poetry, natural machines, large white houses, the brilliance of steel, crimes and wild passions? - Robert Desnos
Those who are unhappy have no need for anything in this world but people capable of giving them their attention. - Simone Weil
A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself. - David M. Ogilvy
Sometimes, the common reason for fights in a strong relationship is only the lack of having attention from the loving one - Pawan Mehra
Speaking with spiders and other things you call unusual... there's no special trick to it. When something catches your attention just keep your attention on it, stick with it 'til the end, and somewhere along the line there'll be weirdness. - Helen Oyememi
To make people feel special you don't have to pay money but rather pay attention. - Orrin Woodward
What will be left of all the fearing and wanting associated with your problematic life situation that every day takes up most of your attention? A dash, one or two inches long, between the date of birth and date of death on your gravestone. - Eckhart Tolle
Whenever you look at a piece of work and you think the fellow was crazy, then you want to pay some attention to that. One of you is likely to be, and you had better find out which one it is. It makes an awful lot of difference.
The Moon always finds an opportunity to turn our attention from the ground beneath our feet to the sky above our head! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Talent is nothing but a prolonged period of attention and shortened period of mental assimilation. - Konstantin Stanislavsky
Anyone who recommends attention to the moment as a prescription for grateful wonder is only telling half the truth. To be happy one must pay attention, but to be unhappy one must also have paid attention. - Philip Lopate
I can't even enjoy a blade of grass unless I know there's a subway handy, or a record store or some other sign that people do not totally regret life. It's more important to confirm the least sincere. The clouds get enough attention as it is... - Frank O'Hara
For a kid in crisis, there is no "make it happen," only "survive today." Who am I to have the cojones to think my "critical questions" are the most important thing in this kid's life? I think of the times I was in crisis and failed to pay attention to the manila folders on my desk as an adult. - Dawn Casey-Rowe
Give a man your attentionLose hisIgnore a manGain his attention - K.C. Rhoads
You don’t need to wait for God to show up, in order to be rescued from your bad situation. God has been trying to get your attention for a really long time. - Shannon L. Alder
Pay no attention to what the critics say; there has never been a statue set up in honour of a critic. - Jean Sibelius
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. - Sir Francis Bacon
Pay great attention to those who love you, and love those who hate you. - Debasish Mridha
Pay attention to me. - Sally Quinn
If you meditate or exercise, with the inward attention, the subtle world of thoughts, imagination, breathe, sensation and spiritual energy will get clear to you. - Roshan Sharma
There is a story, there is a scene which you always miss and you never pay attention at it... (The Ring 1) - Deyth Banger
If you dedicate your attention to discipline in your life you become smarter while you are writing than while you are hanging out with your pals or in any other line of work. - Russell Banks
I am a happy camper so I guess I’m doing something right. Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder. - J. Richard Lessor
There are things we all know about but we don't think they are important.Like hurting while seeing your share of love and attention going to someone else but smiling at it because you tell yourself that maybe they deserved it more.No. You deserved it.What makes you think you don't? - Simran.M.Anthony
Anguish of mind has driven thousands to suicide; anguish of body, none. This proves that the health of the mind is of far more consequence to our happiness, than the health of the body, although both are deserving of much more attention than either of them receive.
It is against the grain of modern education to teach children to program. What fun is there in making plans, acquiring discipline in organizing thoughts, devoting attention to detail, and learning to be self-critical? - Alan Perlis
The truth is I didn’t need therapy; I just needed to feel loved and know that someone out there craved my attention. - Robert M. Drake
You begin to understand your personality, your response, and the functions of your body, heart and mind into different situations, events and with different people, with the inward attention. - Roshan Sharma
Dear Influencers: Trolls will lurk under the bridges you build to gobble you up. They are hangry for attention. Build bridges anyways. - Richie Norton
If you have to ask for their attention, you're better off without it. - Ali. B. Moe
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent. - Isaac Newton
Art is not about itself but the attention we bring to it. - Marcel Duchamp
Something, somewhere, knows what’s best for me and promises to keep sending me people and experiences to light my way as long as I live in gratitude and keep paying attention to the signs. - Jennifer Elisabeth
It seems to me there's this tyranny that's not accidental or incidental, to make women feel compelled to look like somebody they're not. I think the effort is being made to get us to turn our time and attention to this instead of important political issues. - Eve Ensler
We had no choice. Sadness was a dangerous as panthers and bears. the wilderness needs your whole attention. - Laura Ingalls Wilder
He could not stand. It was notThat he could not thrive, he was bornWith everything but the will –That can be deformed, just like a limb.Death was more interesting to him.Life could not get his attention. - Ted Hughes
What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence, a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.
Focus your whole attention on heaven; become a citizen of heaven. - Sunday Adelaja
Ministry is when the people who hear you, don't want more of you; they want more of Him because of what you've said. When you point them to God's fire instead of trying to get attention for yourself-that's ministry. - Priscilla Shirer
Pay attention. Be alert. Don't be in denial. Learn - Marxxha
The sounds of silence are a dim recollection now, like mystery, privacy and paying attention to one thing or one person at a time. - Maureen Dowd
Call attention to your strengths instead of pointing out your weaknesses. - Auliq Ice
Meditation is a wonderful way to shout down the outer noise so that you may pay attention to the universal inner message. - Debasish Mridha
I guess in this culture of ever-shortening attention spans, it's good if a song can lift us out of the madness, even if only for a few minutes. - Peter Bradley Adams
I could watch him do this until morning never asking questions and never interrupting his work. I worship quietly his intense focus and attention to detail and then, out of no where, I realize the inconvenient, inappropriate truth: ‘I love this man… and it has swallowed me. - Jennifer Elisabeth
Rarely has a new player on the game captured so much attention so fast. - Auliq Ice
No one is safe from slander. The best way is to pay no attention to it, but live in innocence and let the world talk. - Moliere
How difficult it is to find solitude in a world that constantly demands your attention. - Joyce Rachelle
Sometimes the purpose of the rose is simply to draw attention to the rose. - Cristen Rodgers
‎"If there is no discipline, there is anarchy. Good citizenship demands attention to responsibilities as well as rights. - Joe Clark
The Holy Spirit never draws attention to Himself. He always points to and reveals Jesus. - John Paul Warren
We are all gardeners, planting seeds of intention and watering them with attention in every moment of every day. - Cristen Rodgers
Attention to health is life's greatest hindrance. - Plato
Until you are willing to learn the lessons, pay attention to details, and become patient with yourself, you will keep repeating the same patterns over and over again. - Kemi Sogunle
Urgency means paying the details the attention they deserve, with the respect they deserve, without delay. - Richie Norton
There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story. - Linda Hogan
Men make war to get attention. All killing is an expression of self-hate. - Alice Walker
When one is happy there is no time to be fatigued; being happy engrosses the whole attention.
Stars don’t beg the world for attention; their beauty forces us to look up. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Concerning Personal Branding and Social Media; Understand that attention came be gained or gamed but trust must be earned - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Everything that happens in our lives has meaning even though we may not understand it or even pay attention to it. - Debasish Mridha
And there you sit.My eyes burning a hole on the side of your face while the stars are being captured in your eyes from the prolonged, there's-plenty-of-time, full attention you're giving each one.And there you sit.And I'm wishing I could give you every ounce of what you give the stars. - Taylor Patton
Your Sacrifices Create The Run Way For Your Blessings, It Has To Be A Sacrifice From You To Attract God's Attention - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you. - Christian Baloga
Appreciate what everybody does, especially those doing what you are also doing. Don’t crave for attention and fame. It will come automatically when your brand is well situated. - Israelmore Ayivor
Your frequency is what you frequently see. Pay attention to synchronicity as there are valuable lessons to be learned in the repetition of your reality. - Jennifer Sodini
Time and attention are the most precious gifts we can give. - Rob Liano
Lord Vetinari in a meeting: what people said was what they wanted him to hear. He paid a lot of attention to the spaces outside the words, though. That’s where the things were that they hoped he didn’t know and didn’t want him to find out. - Terry Pratchett
When the Bible itself becomes irksome, inquire whether you have not been spoiling your appetite by sweetmeats and renounce them; and believe that the Word is the wire along which the voice of God will certainly come to you if the heart is hushed and the attention fixed. - F.B. Meyer
This is the first age that's ever paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one.
Attention to our duties provides far greater rewards than beauty and wit. Self-control is what differentiates us from the beasts. Without it, we are merely animals. - Laura Moncur
People pay attention to the things they want to listen, anything that doesn't please them is rubbish. - Himmilicious
But pain is an impatient customer. It wouldn't be long before it demanded attention. - Jill Alexander Essbaum
I didn't do anything but sit quietly and pay attention to the fact that my hollow chest was still beating. I was still alive and could see that the new normal wasn't so bad. - Dee Williams
The universe likes speed, focus and dedication. Whatever we put our attention on, drives miracles towards us without much efforts. - Robin Sacredfire
The purpose of salt is to change the nature of what it invades without calling attention to itself. Attracting attention to yourself in the Kingdom of God is like seducing the bride because you are the best man of the groom. - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
One of the very best things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating. - Luciano Pavarotti
No man is lonely while eating spaghetti:it requires so much attention. - Christopher Morley
What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it. - Herbert Simon
When a girl marries, she exchanges the attention of many men for the inattention of one. - Helen Rowland
Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end. - Henry David Thoreau
Anyone who teaches me deserves my respect, honoring and attention. - Sonia Rumzi
If we want to truly live, at some point, we find the dark facts of psychic life demand our full attention. - Sandra Lee Dennis
To eliminate the inner turmoil we must focus our attention inward and act with loving kindness to ourselves—and each other. - Michelle Cruz-Rosado
Listen. Pay attention. Treasure every moment. - Oprah Winfrey
Before you do anything, think. If you do something to try and impress someone, to be loved, accepted or even to get someone's attention, stop and think. So many people are busy trying to create an image, they die in the process. - Salma Hayek
I wanted nothing more than her attention. Her thoughts filled with me. Her eyes lost in my image. I wanted her so badly I didn't even realize I lost myself in the process. Now, when I look in the mirror, I only see her... where is me? - Hubert Martin
Most kids act out because they want your attention. Don't spank your child show them some attention. - Alcurtis Turner
All successful employers are stalking men who will do the unusual, men who think, men who attract attention by performing more than is expected of them. - Charles M. Schwab
Focus on what's important. Give more attention to your dreams than your fears, to your now than your then, to your expansive truth than other's diminishing lies. - Unknown 21
Your attention is so sacred that if you truly look for beauty and grace, you will find it in everything. - Kamand Kojouri
Only when we pay attention and notice small moments, do we make the connections that lead to a change in our perspective. - Andrea Goeglein
So, you’ve failed many times at many things. That’s okay! Learn, grow, and move forward. With the right attitude and mindset, you can learn a lot from failure. Pay attention and keep on striving! You’ve got this! - Stephanie Lahart
Sir, pay no attention to the people who say the glass is half empty, because 32% means it's 2/3 empty. There's still some liquid in that glass is my point, but I wouldn't drink it. The last third is usually backwash.(Said to President Bush at the White House Correspondents Dinner) - Stephen Colbert
Walk slowly through the world and pay attention - Marty Rubin
When I am not paying attention to my children, they appear to desperately need it. When I am giving them my full attention, they seem just as happy to play by themselves. It is as though they need to be certain of my attention in order to play their own games and ignore me. - Sarah Ruhl
Perception is to be blamed. It, if given due attention, keeps changing. - Pawan Mishra
Ignore folly;walk away from it.Pay attention to wisdom;seek it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows - Itzik Amiel
Politics is theater. It doesn't matter if you win. You make a statement. You say, "I'm here, pay attention to me - Harvey Milk
Writers whose thoughts are expressed with clarity and precision are assumed by readers to be superficial. Where the meaning is obscured, then readers give more attention and consider the fruit of their labour more valuable - Friedrich Nietzsche
With honest and straightforward business principles, close and careful attention to details, and the ability to take advantage of favourable opportunities and circumstances, there is a scope for success. - Jamsetji Tata
One of the presidential campaigns unveiled more of an infrastructure in place for the next contest than was previously thought to be present, with a spokesperson saying that one of the campaign's strengths is that it does not make an effort to draw attention to with every asset. - New York Times The
Our health is what we make of it - give it attention and it improves, give it none and it subsides. - John F. Demartini
When you start giving, instead of getting, you make a difference. You can always give a warm smile, a sincere hello, a positive vibe… your attention, your time, your love, and kindness to those around you. - Roy T. Bennett
It's not my fault you have the attention span of a gnat, capable of only thumbing through the crap on Facebook, instead of reading something of worth that can change your life. No, I'm not talking about Oprah's or Ellen's book either. - Dara Reidyr
A great preservative against angry and mutinous thoughts, and all impatience and quarreling, is to have some great business and interest in your mind, which, like a sponge shall suck up your attention and keep you from brooding over what displeases you. - Joseph Rickaby
I have learned that the less I pay attention, the more often I am pleasantly suprised.
It's not vanity, because if you look weird, it will distract from what your trying to do. If you look as good as you can, people will be able to pay attention to what your actually saying. - Tina Fey
Life teaches us many lessons daily, even from our mishaps, only if we pay attention - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Sometimes, the common reason for fights in a strong relationship is only the lack of having attention from the loving on - Pawan Mehra
To live, pray. To learn, read. To love, give. To listen, pay attention. But to be wise, apply all that you have acquired - Israelmore Ayivor
Learn to recognize good luck when it's waving at you, hoping to get your attention. - Sally Koslow
a barking Dog will never hurt, unless you pay attention - AX
A statement made from the heart has an aroma, it has lights, it has earth andsun and moon. It is colorful and it grasps the attention of those around you,like the sunset. - Beth Johnson
The greatest gift that you can give yourself is a little bit of your own attention.
You don’t have to worry about getting the attention of others when you’re good at what you do. - Adam Smith
Unrealistic expectations often lead to disappointment, while simple unbiased attention and detachment to outcome often lead to pleasant surprises. - Gary Hopkins
Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined. - Patrick Henry
Seek respect not attention. - Ben Bereng
Pay attention to the intricate patterns of your existence that you take for granted. - Doug Dillon
If you love yourself, you will be happy because you will always have your own company and attention - Mr Imbuya
When we talk about understanding, surely it takes place only when the mind listens completely-- the mind being your heart, your nerves, your ears- when you give your whole attention to it. - Krishnamurti
Listen closely... the eternal hush of silence goes on and on throughout all this, and has been going on, and will go on and on. This is because the world is nothing but a dream and is just thought of and the everlasting eternity pays no attention to it. - Jack Kerouac
Trace was just one of those guys who caught your attention no matter if you had a ring on your finger. He would be hot 'til the day he died. Seriously. - Chelsea Lynn Charters The Gossip Web
There’s that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should’ve been paying attention. Well, get used to that feeling. That’s how your whole life will feel some day. This is all practice. None of this matters. We’re just warming up. - Chuck Palahniuk
Don't focus on the words i write,pay attention to the ones i don't.These lines won't tell you much about me,try to read in between these lines. - Anjum Choudhary
i am not a jealous person,but when i am with you,the thought of someone elsepulling your attention away from mekills me a little insideeach time. - Ava
Money may not be able to buy her love but it will definitely make her pay attention. - Habeeb Akande
Quoyle experienced moments in all colors, uttered brilliancies, paid attention to the rich sound of waves counting stones, he laughed and wept, noticed sunsets, heard music in rain, said I do. - Annie Proulx
During the first few minutes of your presentation, your job is to assure the audience members that you are not going to waste their time and attention. - Dale Ludwig
Maybe that is the purest and most radical kind of religion simple attention. Present-moment awareness. Instead of a belief system, awareness sees through all beliefs. - Joan Tollifson
You do not necessarily lose concentration; you only allow something else to take control of a greater portion of your attentiveness and attention at any given moment of time. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The love and attention you always thought you wanted from someone else, is the love and attention you first need to give to yourself. - Bryant McGillns
The most precious gift to give to your spouse is not your life because if you die,he/she will no longer have use of you rather the most precious gift is your time, attention, affection, self and love! - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Did he know that God loved him from the foundations of the earth? With a power far exceeding the immensity of the cosmos, He turned all His attention to creating that man and declared, "You are My child. I love you. - Nabeel Qureshi
By shaping the menus we pick from, technology hijacks the way we perceive our choices and replaces them with new ones. But the closer we pay attention to the options we’re given, the more we’ll notice when they don’t actually align with our true needs. - Tristan Harris
Find the connection between you and the universe; focus on it with deep attention. - Debasish Mridha
Rather than a vanity paycheck it feels better to give something of far more value than entertainment or money. Sometimes gifts can be priceless like that of love which is everything, connection, inspiration, devotion, attention, purpose… - Di Lee
There are a thousand things to hear about, informationally, daily, but the thing that doesn't go away is the one to pay attention to. - Antonya Nelson
Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. - Mary Oliver
I pay no attention whatever to anybody's praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings. - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Everything that you wish to know, or desire for life, exists in you. All you have to do is take your attention inward and begin your search within. - Roshan Sharma
Do not allow consumerism to dictate your spiritual practice. You need nothing more than your focused attention to gain enlightenment. - Gary Hopkins
We need to stop trying to get attention by seeing who can scream and cry the loudest. Write something worth reading and your voice will be heard. - Teresa Mummert
It says a lot about Sandberg’s brand of feminism that this campaign focuses on policing language rather than bringing attention to important issues that have real impact on women and girls - Jessica Roy
... I hadn't been paying attention to things like the sunrise, but that old sun had been coming up anyway. It didn't really care how I felt, it was going to rise and set regardless of whether I noticed it, and if I was going to enjoy it, that was up to me. - Jeanette Walls
Every dream has a message. Pay attention! - Temi 'T Quest' Sholeye
People, most especially those who have known ease in this life, care more about being prospered than refined. It's always about what they can get from God, not what they can do for others, unless they can call attention to it for others to see. - Donna Lynn Hope
You can never reach to the truth if you don’t even look for it, and the bigger dilemma with the truth is, that you don’t have to go too far, but simply have to, turn your attention inward. - Roshan Sharma
The only tension that gets my attention, is when I stick a fork too close to my silver filling. - A Kalon Writer
I knew that Sundays in England aren't just ordinary dull Sundays, the same the world over, which demand that one simply tiptoe through without disturbing them or paying them the least attention, they are vaster and slower and more burdensome than anywhere else I know. - Javier Marías
To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. - Mary Oliver
Pay no attention to what the critics say; no statue has ever been put up to a critic. - Jean Sibellius
As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. - Andrew Carnegie
Why is patience so important?""Because it makes us pay attention. - Paulo Coelho
I believe the best service to the child is the service closest to the child, and children who are victims of neglect, abuse, or abandonment must not also be victims of bureaucracy. They deserve our devoted attention, not our divided attention. - Kenny Guinn
Everything I touch makes me a little bit more like the thing I’m touching, so I’d better start paying attention to what I’m touching. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Your Attention is your Investment. The Smarter you Invest, The Better Your ROI will be. - Rehan Gillani
A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world."[Speech upon being awarded the Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels (Peace Prize of the German Book Trade), Frankfurt Book Fair, October 12, 2003] - Susan Sontag
When we think we're multitasking we're actually multiswitching. That is what the brain is very good at doing - quickly diverting its attention from one place to the next. We think we're being productive. We are, indeed, being busy. But in reality we're simply giving ourselves extra work. - Michael Harris
His attention means nothing if you don't have his respect. - Stephan Labossiere
A man limits his abilities himself according to his created interest, and then he pays very little attention to unliked things. Understand that man can become whatever he wants to be, just Interest and Want play the role. - Faisal Nawaz Maitlo
I see where we are starting to pay some attention to our neigbors to the south. We could never understand why Mexico wasn't just crazy about us; for we have always had their good will, and oil and minerals, at heart. - Will Rogers
Pay attention, behavior speaks… While preacher are telling you to pray for abundance, they’re passing around a basket. - Steve Maraboli
Because Christ doesn’t scream to get our attention, we have to find places and times that are quiet. We can look for Him throughout the day in a smile or the sunlight through a cloud. He’s there in a baby’s face—every time in a baby’s face. - Toni Sorenson
Money is like your girlfriend/boyfriend; she/he will come running towards you and embrace you in her/his arms, only if you pay enough attention. - CK Arora
Genuine beginnings begin within us, even when they are brought to our attention by external opportunities. - William Bridges
I have gotten a lot more attention than...other women that I find incredibly beautiful. And this has happened to me ever since I was a girl, when I was flat, had no teeth, was skinny and small as I could be. I always got more attention than anyone else. If I hadn't, I would have made sure I did. - Salma Hayek
In order to survive our youth, many of us became sensitized to which conditions we had to play to, to receive attention. No wonder we mistook this attention for love. We thought love came in finite quantities—it had to be competed for among siblings, or it had to be paid for with exacting dues. - Maureen Brady
It is better to pay attention than to have ideas about things. - Marty Rubin
Believe me, men never stare at women, its they who steal our attention - - Ramana Pemmaraju
She gets naked for attention and gets dressed for respect - Dorynda Jeanty
I spent a lot of time vacillating between wanting to be seen as attractive, being terrified by too much attention, and wanting to succeed and fit in without anyone's noticing me. - Kim Gordon
If you have a beautiful face you don't need big fake boobs to get anyone's attention. - Paris Hilton
Ignore what other people think. Most people aren't even paying attention to you. - Amy Poehler
Your mockers will only have your attention only if you give them your attention - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
No use to shout at them to pay attention. If the situations, the materials, the problems before the child do not interest him, his attention will slip off to what does interest him, and no amount of exhortation of threats will bring it back.
When you stop giving attention to someone that takes you for granted, they will notice...trust! - April Mae Monterrosa
Can women imagine anything finer than to experience centuries and millennia with the beloved husband in a cozy home in reverent attention to the inner workings of creative motherhood?
Attention on the breathe, is the best tool, to take of your attention from negative thoughts or negative imagination of mind. - Roshan Sharma
Dandelions, like all things in nature are beautiful when you take the time to pay attention to them. - June Stoyer
A good man can become a nightmare if he continues to pay attention to wrong counsel. - Paul Bamikole
It's all a matter of paying attention, being awake in the present moment, and not expecting a huge payoff. The magic in this world seems to work in whispers and small kindnesses. - Charles de Lint
A survey of Canadian media consumption by Microsoft concluded that the average attention span had fallen to eight seconds, down from 12 in the year 2000. - Timothy Egan
The ability to focus attention on important things is a defining characteristic of intelligence. - Robert J. Shiller
When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world. - George Washington Carver
When you approach something to photograph it, first be still with yourself until the object of your attention affirms your presence. Then don't leave until you have captured its essence. - Minor White
Life is sweet or bitter depending on where your attention is, at that moment. - George Alexiou
To be whole simply requires paying attention to oneself - Gary Hopkins
Pour yourself completely into you and what brings you joy and moves you toward your goals. No one deserves your beautiful love and attention more than you! - Sheri Fink
Woman is the dominant sex. Men have to do all sorts of stuff too prove that they are worthy of a woman's attention. - Camille Pagliah
If your child is constantly interrupting or doing other things to get your attention, he is not getting enough communication of the right kind. Just the fact that you are in the house with him all day does not mean that you are necessarily devoting any time to com- munication of his choice. - Ruth Minshull
Children pay little attention to their parents' teachings, but reproduce their characters faithfully - Mason Cooley
When you start giving, instead of getting, you make a difference… You can always give a warm smile, a sincere hello, a positive vibe… your concern, your attention, your time, your love, and kindness to those around you. - Roy Bennett
The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction. - Rachel Carson
Listen to your intuition. When you're at a crossroad, the little voice is always talking to you. You just have to pay attention. - Karen A. Baquiran
A good listener is one who always pays attention, not to gain, but to learn. - Michael Bassey Johnson
It is not the quantity of your thoughts but the quality of your thoughts that make the difference. Thoughts can either be productive or a hindrance. But, when we focus our attention on faithfulness and truthfulness the restoration process begins. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
It’s the inward attention that takes you into the depth of the mind. - Roshan Sharma
It is that little bit of extra attention that makes all the difference. - Debasish Mridha
A true friend pays attention without seeking it. - Debasish Mridha
Come clean about your true nature before the day the body ceases. Hard not to cling to duality as the excuse, but every brain is manifesting duality as if it is some internal feature projected outward for the attention of others. - James Emlund
Defeating depression is like playing the carnival game Whac-a-mole. You have to give it your all and be on target to beat that sucker down when it pops up again and again. If you pay attention, learn from your past efforts, and keep at it, you can win." -Mel. Edwards - Mel Edwards
A consequence may be the very thing that saves us because it was the only thing loud enough to get our attention. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Last weekend a young man asked me how I remain so positive. It seems all the negativity in the world doesn’t affect you, he said. I had no more than a minute with the young man so I offered this: It’s all about where you choose to put your attention, and I choose to be happy. - Jason Mraz
The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds. - Tryon Edwards
Focus your attention on the quality of your words, and not the quantity, because few sensible talks attracts millions of listeners more than a thousand gibberish. - Michael Bassey Johnson
And then she poked him again. Not because he wasn't paying attention but because when she did it the first time she found she liked it. Mrs. Bunny might think she was getting away with this, but Mr. Bunny was silently counting the pokes to pay her back later. - Polly Horvath
I am glad that I paid so little attention to good advice; had I abided by it I might have been saved from some of my most valuable mistakes. - Edna St. Vincent Millay
"Attention, attention, there are monkey-boys in the complex.
Have you ever observed that we pay much more attention to a wise passage when it is quoted than when we read it in the original author? - Philip G. Hamerton
What an absurd thing it is to pass over all the valuable parts of a man, and fix our attention on his infirmities. - Joseph Addison
If your relationship is draining your energy, making you lose yourself and taking your attention away from God, then you are not in a relationship but a cult. You are busy creating an idol (mini-God) for yourself. - Kemi Sogunle
pain is like the cold. do not give it your attention. but unlike the cold do not deny being in pain - Laetitia R 2015
The person whose attention is in the ‘pure Soul’ is known as a renowned person. No one in the past had been celebrated as a famous person; they were called renowned persons. To be famous is the result of an ‘above normal’ state. - Dada Bhagwan
Thank God I was hit by a truck. It seems that God was trying to get my attention for years but I was so stubborn it took knocking me square out of my body to see him for myself. Next time I will be way more specific when I ask for help to slow me down. - Monika Zands
Diseased organs get the most attention. - Marty Rubin
So, let us not be blind to our differences - but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved. - John F. Kennedy
A piercing screech from above caught my attention. However, it was the arm landing beside me with teeth marks that let me know what was going on. Can you be a little more careful where you let body parts fall?- Faith, Witch Devotions - Elizabeth J. Kolodziej
Your obsession determines what you pay attention to. Your observations are limited to the focus of your mind. - Emmanuel Ayensu
Undying love, attention and sacrifice is an essential fuel for relations - Alok Jagawat
Find the right balance in life. Man is body... mind... spirit. Give the right amount of attention to each. - Alfred A. Montapert
It’s hard to be present whenyour attention is sufferinginformation overload.Switch off and just sit still. - Domonique Bertolucci
Because you can't argue with all the fools in the world. It's easier to let them have their way, then trick them when they're not paying attention. - Christopher Paolini
Be you in what line of life you may, it will be amongst your misfortunes if you have not time properly to attend to pecuniary [monetary] matters. Want of attention to these matters has impeded the progress of science and of genius itself. - William Cobbett
There's nothing more exciting than science. You get all the fun of sitting still, being quiet, writing down numbers, paying attention. Science has it all.
Don't for heaven's sake, be afraid of talking nonsense! But you must pay attention to your nonsense. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Liberals tend to view traditions, policies, and morals of past generations as arbitrary designs put in place by less enlightened people. Because of this, liberals don't pay much attention to why traditions developed or wonder about possible ramifications of their social engineering. - John Hawkins
Today is sacred - for it will never come again. What could be more important than living this day with attention and the intention to be of benefit, to the best of your ability, to all you encounter? - John Bruna
We go through life and don't pay attention to God even when he's yelling. Then there are the moments you never expect and can't avoid. It is at those times when you can hear him ever so clearly; even when he's whispering. - Benjamin J. Carey
Boys seek attention, men demand respect. - Habeeb Akande
When two partners always agree, one of them is not necessary." If there is some point you haven't thought about, be thankful if it is brought to your attention. - Dale Carnegie
Until now I had been able only to grieve, not mourn. Grief was passive. Grief happened. Mourning, the act of dealing with grief, required attention. - Joan Didion
It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things. - Leonardo da Vinci
The only factor becoming scarce in a world of abundance is human attention. - Kevin Kelly
People are so fucking dumb. Nobody reads anymore, nobody goes out and looks and explores the society and culture they were brought up in. People have attention spans of five seconds and as much depth as a glass of water. - David Bowie
We must help young women immerse themselves in a selfless work, perhaps receiving little public praise or attention. Instead, they must feel the Lord’s great love for them and their efforts through the influence of the Holy Ghost. - Neill F. Marriott
A love of classical music is only partially a natural response to hearing the works performed; it also must come about by a decision to listen carefully, to pay close attention, a decision inevitably motivated by the cultural and social prestige of the art. - Charles Rosen
A pretty face and a beautiful body can capture my attention, But only a beautiful and creative mind can hold it - Sam Eriakha
Happiness is like a cat. If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you. It will never come. But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you'll find it rubbing up against your legs and jumping into your lap. - William J. Bennett
When Life teaches you a lesson, write it down and use it ASAP. Many destinies have failed because of lack of attention to important details. - Asuni LadyZeal
Promptitude is not only a duty, but is also a part of good manners; it is favorable to fortune, reputation, influence, and usefulness; a little attention and energy will form the habit, so as to make it easy and delightful. - Charles Simmons
Do stuff. be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration's shove or society's kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It's all about paying attention. attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. stay eager. - Susan Sontag
We are semipermeable membranes. We can pick and choose which troubles are worthy of our attention. What sinks us can only do so with our permission; a boat stays afloat until the water gets in. - Joyce Rachelle
I see myself as Kiki de Montparnasse, trying to get Man Ray's attention. (Sofia Navarro, 7th July 2012). - Sofía Navarro
ay attention to peace; peace is all that matters. - Debasish Mridha
Give yourself the love and attention you desire, it's the starting point of contentment. - Rob Liano
One of the amusements of idleness is reading without the fatigue of attention, and the world, therefore, swarms with writers whose wish is not to be studied but to be read.
namaste - it means, roughly translated, "I honor the Deity within you." that is precisely what we do when we open our hearts to another; we honor the fact that he or she, like us, is a child or the same loving Father, worthy of all respect and careful attention. - Virginia H. Pearce
Very occasionally, if you pay really close attention, life doesn't suck. - Joss Whedon
May the gift of gratitude and power of attention be with you always - Debasish Mridha
I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness - it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude. - Brené Brown
We create intellectual property on a daily basis, but all of it is not worthy of attention - Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala
You must however pay attention to the fact that we don’t only lose time to lateness. We also lose time to jokes, gossip, empty talks, sleep on duty, social media etc. - Sunday Adelaja
You will do as you are told the second you are told to do it. Is that clear?''I'm not six mother, I think I can grasp standard sentences.' Whether I chose to pay attention to them however... - Heather James
Pay no attention to what the critics say; there has never been set up a statue in honor of a critic. - Jean Sibelius
To get a man's attention, just stand in front of the TV and don't move. He'll talk to you. I promise.
People only worry about the uncanny for about a week; that's the end of their attention span. After that, suspicions turn into shtick. - Scott Westerfeld
We are living in a moment where we have broken the equilibrium of the planet. We are not paying attention to our intuitive side. We only pay attention to our reason. We have become an urban animal - Sebastião Salgado
Hmm…now that I think about it, housecats are often coddled and petted. You don’t pet me nearly enough. You must be a lax owner. How selfish of you to deprive your cat of attention. - Colleen Houck
When I sit down to write a book, I do not say to myself, ‘I am going to produce a work of art.’ I write it because there is some lie that I want to expose, some fact to which I want to draw attention, and my initial concern is to get a hearing. - George Orwell
Brethren, you won’t believe what I discovered. I found out that in every place, people listened to the message (the shift our churches need) with full attention and total bewilderment. The question that I kept on hearing was: why are other Christian ministers not doing the same thing? - Sunday Adelaja
In other words, we may, by fixing our attention almost fiercely on the facts actually before us, force them to turn into adventures; force them to give up their meaning and fulfill their mysterious purpose. - G.K. Chesterton
Bad times wake us up to the good times we weren't paying attention to.
The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better.
If you feel alone take topic make conversation with your soul. it gives more positive attention to know who you are. - Bhoopal M
Big changes could come quickly, and he wondered what else might happen to his heart while he wasn't paying attention. - C. J. Milbrandt, Meadowsweet
Clever wives are mostly silent ,alert and pay equal attention to limiting the kind and degree of emotions of family which creates and destroy HOMES. - Kishore Bansal
There will always be a down but also always an up, your moods depends on wich of the two you pay the most attention to. - Laurins
Difficulties come when you don't pay attention to life's whisper. Life always whispers to you first, but if you ignore the whisper, sooner or later you'll get a scream - Oprah Winfrey
Thus every matter, if it is to be done well, calls for the attention of the whole person. - Martin Luther
When a woman wants your attention, she uses her smile. When she wants your wallet, she uses her charm. When she wants your heart, she uses her touch. When she wants your soul, she uses her kiss. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Boredom is a sign of satisfied ignorance, blunted apprehension, crass sympathies, dull understanding, feeble powers of attention, and irreclaimable weakness of character. - James Bridie
Accept criticism. If you do not offer your work for criticism and accept that criticism, meaning give it serious thought and attention, then you will never improve. - Theodora Goss
That's the thing about love, it secretly attracts and demands your attention. - Debasish Mridha
The true Renaissance person is endowed with panoramic attention.... The habit of noticing the ensemble of everything and its constituent parts is a matter of will, not of innate aptitude. It involves the conscious noticing of things and the gaps that separate and connect them. - Christy Wampole
To get the attention of a large animal, be it an elephant or a bureaucracy, it helps to know what part of it feels pain. Be very sure, though, that you want its full attention.
When a man only rings you late at night, when he only wants to see you late at night, when he doesn't take you out for dinner, or introduce you to his friends, or spend any time or attention on you, then this is not a relationship. This is sex. - Jane Green
I am a teacher. Pay close attention - this will be on the test. You don't wreck buildings. You don't take children hostage. And you don't threaten people with violence. Okay class dismissed. Looks like you fail! - yoko
Just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it. The number of good things we can do far exceeds the time available to accomplish them. Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives. - Dallin H. Oaks
Kids are flat-out freaking hilarious if you are paying attention. Not just my kid, but every kid. - Dan Alatorre
I begin to feel this tension when things that doesn't worth attention are the things that attracts attention - Michael Bassey Johnson
Your world is made of your memories, and your memories are given to you by your world. The whispering voice of happenstance is always in our ears. 'This is the world. This is the way things are. Look. Pay attention. Remember.' - Gordon Atkinson
Writing is about taking everyday observations, things which people see almost every day of their lives, and yet bringing it to their attention for the very first time. - Jamie L. Harding
The phenomena of nature, especially those that fall under the inspection of the astronomer, are to be viewed, not only with the usual attention to facts as they occur, but with the eye of reason and experience. - William Herschel
I will let you live, I will let you fly but you have my attention at all times... my kingdom needs me , I rule the slides but now see that dragons do have hearts ...and to fairies they cannot lie - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
I listen with attention to the judgment of all men;but so far as I can remember,I have followed none but my own. - Michel de Montaigne
...just because you see something, it doesn’t mean to say it’s there. And if you don’t see something, it doesn’t mean to say it’s not there. It’s only what your senses bring to your attention. - Douglas Adams
Making decisions about whether to keep and how to organize objects requires categorization skills, confidence in one's ability to remember, and sustained attention. To maintain order, one also needs the ability to efficiently assess the value or utility of an object.
I don't purchase people with money, or hiss like a snake to attract their attention, all i do is to rest on my couch because i have the conviction that no human can progress with an exception without a power behind. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Quotes and notes to self Find your inner peace!Don’tbe caught up in your outer world.Paygreater attention to your inner world - Allan Rufus
Start focusing your attention on the people that God puts you with, even if they hate you, even if they persecute you and speak bad things about you. Work with them and pray for them! - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
The most valuable commodity of the 21st century will be undivided attention. - Phil Cooke
Some minds, at some point, discover that they can not make sense of their own predications without attention to grammar, although they do not ordinarily think of what they are doing as an exercise in grammar. - Richard Mitchell
Pay no attention to what the critics say... Remember, a statue has never been set up in honor of a critic! - Jean Sibelius
Divided attention destroys best intentions. Singular focus is the friend to success. - Benjamin Lotter
Not every emotion deserves the same attention - Ramana Pemmaraju
Unless you can guide the mind inward, and take the attention beyond the comprehension of mind, and directly experience life, you never reach to the ultimate truth of life. - Roshan Sharma
A too closely watched flower/blossoms the wrong color./Excess attention to the jonquil/turns it gentian. Flowers/need it tranquil to get/their hues right. Some/only open at midnight. - Kay Ryan
Never pay attention to someone who has not earned your respect. - Habeeb Akande
Good literature is one key to peace. When we stop reading each other, when we stop paying attention to each other's words and stories, we too easily oppose one another. - Dave DiGrazie
It comes from looking at the heart of things, from stopping to smell not only the roses but the bushes as well. It is a quality of attention to ordinary life that is so loving and intimate it is almost worship. - Martha N. Beck
Out of all the addictions in the world, Attention is slowly but surely becoming one of the most dangerous. - Saahil Prem
We have deficited upon their attention in the most disorderly fashion. - Geoffrey Wood
I am on a mission to spread more love on this planet. It is shocking to me to see how little attention to spreading love there is. I will not rest until I am the AMBASSADOR FOR LOVE for the United Nations. It is time to give love its voice, its place, and its impact in the hearts of all mankind. - Monika Zands
Love words, agonize over sentences. And pay attention to the world. - Susan Sontag
The true art of memory, is the art of attention - Samuel Johnson
Every industrious man, in every lawful calling, is a useful man. And one principal reason why men are so often useless is that they neglect their own profession or calling, and divide and shift their attention among a multiplicity of objects and pursuits. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Money can't buy love, but it can buy a woman's attention. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Working to be outstanding at what you do, raises your confidence and improves your reputation. As you work to become top notch, you gain higher attention and visibility. - Mark F. LaMoure
The attention span of a computer is only as long as its electrical cord.
It is easy to identify a shallow person by the attention he gives to what will do him absolutely no good. - Michael Bassey Johnson
We pay attention to what we are told to attend to, or what we're looking for, or what we already know...what we see is amazingly limited. - Daniel Simons
The more attention you give to your loved ones, the less affection you recieve from them. - Michael Bassey Johnson
n order to capture someone's attention, you must allow them to have the mental and emotional space to let you in. - Auliq Ice
To Fred, those years seemed to pass like quickly skimming a book and then finding the ending wasn't what he expected. He wished he'd paid more attention to the story. - Sarah Addison Allen
Be so free that nothing more than your future can distract your attention. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Hope is like air if not built on a fertile ground. A ground that requires attention and nurturing. You cannot stop working on that ground even if the hope is sprouting higher into the sky. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Anything that appears and disappears cannot actually be you because it is being observed by you. By removing the attention from these things and noticing what remains, you are left only with what is permanent the truth of who you are. - Enza Vita
Education is every day and everywhere, the only thing you have to pay is attention. - Tim Fargo
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